


What Do I Need to Bring for Daycare Services?

We will only need any meals your pooch would regularly eat during their hours of daycare (9am - 5pm). Your pooch will otherwise be too busy enjoying their day filled with fun and enrichment!

What Do I Need to Bring for Overnight Stays?

We will only need any medications, special treats/diet restricted treats, and their food (Please notate any special meal instructions). For the safety of other client’s dogs, we ask NO toys/bones or bedding. We will supply plenty of our own bedding, as well as one on one playtime with toys/bones supervised if needed. Your pooch will spend their whole day having the time of their lives and be ready for a good night’s rest!

What are the hours of Daycare?

Between 8:30am - 7:00pm. However, we understand certain situations may arise, therefore we will allow early/late pickups with a $10 fee. Please note the hours are different if you are utilizing our pickup/dropoff services.

Do you take the dogs on a walk during their care?

Unfortunately, we do not offer walks for the dogs during their stay. Their day is filled with enrichment activities and play sessions with other dogs in our large dog friendly yard, that everyone gets plenty of mental and physical stimulation during their vacation.